Blogging Ramadan. Day 2.
Today is the first day we fast and the second night we will perform the terawikh prayers. I think the parking lots will still be full because the people are still fully charged with the spirit of Ramadan. Sadly, this will change as the month progresses.
At the. Ramadan food market today, the scene was normal as people were out en force to buy their breakfasting food. It was food to see that our non-Muslim friends were also there in equal numbers. However, I do have a complaint because the prices were up even more this year. My roti john was rm 4 while it was rm 3 last year. Some kuehs were 40 sen when they were 30 sen last year. Ah well. Its only a month so let them have their fun. We don't need to buy them if we don't agree with the prices. That's what laissez faire is all about. Isn't it?
After all, eating and drinking is really the least important aspect of Ramadan. If you think about it, we eat more or less the same amount in Ramadan. Its the meal time that has changed. Where we ate in the middle of the day, we now eat in the middle of the night. So, unless you are fasting somewhere that has short nights, the time between your meals has pnly slightly altered.
The rest is all on the mind. You are hungry not because you are not eating, you hunger because you are not eating at your usual times.