
Showing posts from 2010

My calculations of cost for broadband & wimax services

My favourite music video (sort of) of all time


OUM convocation Nov 2010

So from where hath thou graduated?

Kids these days

Among the Believers

Tell your lies

I believe

The other side of conflict resolution.

Why Muslims Don't Eat pork?(Experiment)

Why Muslims are not allowed to eat Pork?

Down a crooked path

What Jesus(pbuh) said about Muhammed(pbuh)? - Khalid Yasin

In obscurity

My lecture on basics of oral communication.


Shaykh Khalid Yasin - Dont Let Any KAAFIR 2 Control Our Lives - Unite Upon Truth

An old bible found in Palestine confirms the Quran story True- Islam is right about Essa (PBUH)

Top 10 reasons why Jesus Christ Isn't God-TheDeenShow

A teacher behind bars

Who do you Worship? Sheik Yusuf Estes

NO freedom In Islam?

Ghurabaa - Khalid Yasin - The Strangers

Ghurabaa - Khalid Yasin - The Strangers

To my fellow Malaysian of Islamic and Christian faiths