I Met This Man Today

I met this man today,

He stood like a statue unmoving at the Tesco entrance.

He smiled at people going by, many without even a glance.

There were banners where he stood a charity for orphans,

children in need, children we need to heed.

He was asking for help to build a place,

Where the children could play and stay,

Where they could learn and not yearn

For their basic needs, for books to read.


I ask you now in His name,

Lend a hand, give a little, or at least be transmittal,

of this message to your friends and acquaintances,

and your loved ones and people you know by any name.

Please give all that you can be it much, be it little.

Please give these children brighter chances,

Please pass not without even a glance,

Please give these children a chance.


Thank you.


Hazidi Abdul Hamid

13 May 2013

The charity can be reached at the site below:



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