
Friday, August 12, 2005
I love horror stories and to top it every house I have ever lived in including this one have either been known to be haunted or have neighboring houses that are known to be haunted or at least thought to be haunted. I once wrote how one of my neighbors in an apartment downstairs died of drug and alcohol abuse in her bedroom. Since then the apartment has had a few occupants including some young chaps from East Malaysia. Someone told me that some of the occupants have experienced some disturbances but another told me that they did not, so I don’t really know what to believe.
Anyway, since then the folks in my building have been a little wary of the apartment. Personally, I don’t believe there is anything to fear. I can see apartment from my window and I have not ever seen anything amiss.
As I came home today, there was a lorry parked at the foot of the building – some people were moving in. My neighbors Zul, his wife and Uncle (a Chinese retiree whom everyone calls ‘uncle’) were sitting at the marble table with a lady I had never seen before and her child. As I approached, Zul said, “How did the lady in first floor apartment actually die, do you know?” So I told him what the investigating policeman had told me once. Then the new lady said, in a worried sounding voice, ‘have there been problems?’ We all agreed that there had not been any disturbances but the lady did not seem all that convinced.
I think they have finished moving in but last I looked out my window the apartment was still dark and seemed empty. I wonder if our little conversation had anything to do with this. Perhaps, Zul’s motive was innocent enough but in light of how superstitious some of us Malaysians are, it was not the brightest thing to do.
Ain just told that she people in there, perhaps these people are not superstitious after all.


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