Silat any one?

One of the best things about this part of the world is the Martial arts. I just love Silat. They are fun. I thoroughly recommend them to anyone. Incidentally they are an effective martial arts too.
This one is from the isle of Java.

This one is from an old film "Tuah" around early 90s or late 80s I think. It interesting because if you look closely the coreographer managed to depict the two fighters using two different styles, one old and the other newer.


PahNur said…
Thank you for the inspiring encouragement for martial art. At my age, I have to worry about my menopause, and its side effects, which is osteoporosis. What I need to acquire at this point of my life is, Martian Art - how to cheat death by turning into a martian.....( I heard their life span is longer )

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