The fun things Malaysians do

The fun things Malaysians do
I found this online today. Long ago, I remember the left wingers at Uni protesting that Malaysia canes people for various offences, particularly drug related ones. Then when I spoke to various individuals in the community, I found that most of the people I spoke in the non-university community actually agreed with the move. Some said, "serves them right". For the most part, I realized that they had no idea, apart from vague descriptions, of what the caning process looks like. MUch less feels like. so here's a sample for those who would like a clearer idea. The guy in the picture was undergoing a ten year sentence with 20 strokes of the cane (said in the beginning).
Don't watch if you are squemish or don't feel inclined to.


Wak This Way said…
It's interesting the kind of thing one stumbles upon while looking for the recipe for mee jawa. Anyways, I'm somewhat undecided with regards to corporate punishment. If studies have demonstrated that corporate punishment is a good form of deterrant compared to other form of punishment, then ya, why not. If it doesn't deter people from doing the crime its meant to deter, then we should definitely restructure the whole punishment system.
megaman said…
20 lashes in 1 session seems abit extreme to me ... you can see the amount of damage it does to the poor guy's buttocks.

Wondering whether administering the punishment in several sessions would be a better move. The amount of physical damage would less but the emotional and psychological torture while waiting for the subsequent sessions after the inmate had an experience of the first one could really provide a better memory imprint of the experience and maybe have a better effect of preventing future offences.

Finally, I always feel that incarcerations and punishments would never lower the crime rate if the inmates are not offered a way out of crime. Some hard-core criminals have never known a life out of the crime world. No amount of punishment or jail would prevent them from returning to a life of crime simply because they have no other options. This is something that I find Malaysian prison system has failed to address.

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