Kuala Lipis revisited 2

Kuala Lipis holds some very vague memories for me.  Nearly four decades ago, my parents and I were stuck in this town for a week, more specifically, stuck in the train at the station in this town.  We were enroute to Kelantan but the train had to stop here because the flood had submerged the tracks to Tumpat. 

 DSCF2082 The station tracks.

My memories are vague but i remember these tracks and this building, if they are indeed the same ones from back then.   I remember boys selling nasi lemak outside the train windows.

I remember playing on this platform. 

DSCF2075 When we needed to wash up and to perform prayers, we went to the masjid which is just across the road from the tracks.

I found it a little annoying standing in this town with flashes of a toddler's memories in my head.  However for some reason, images of the tracks and the masjid stands out. 

If you get the chance, do visit this little town in the middle of so much greenery.


PahNur said…
my mom have relatives from kuala lipis, trust me, I don't want to revisit it........

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