Sambal Goreng Recipe

From the kitchen of Kampung Ulu Ceruk Dalam's very own Warong Long Timah.

A. Bahan dipotong halus / finely Sliced items

1.       Red chilies
2.       Green chilies
3.       Birdā€™s eye chilies
4.       Serai / lemon grass
5.       Lengkuas / galangal
6.       Daun limau purut / Kaffir lime leaves
7.       Oil (about 2 table spoons)

B. Bahan kisar / Ground / blended

1.       Onions / bawang besar
2.       Cili kering / dried chilies
3.       Garlic

C. Kuah / gravy

1.       Santan pekat / thick coconut milk
2.       Santan cair / thin coconut milk
3.       Belacan / shrimp paste ā€“ Terasi (Indnesian)
4.       Bawang goreng / friend onions

D. Daging / meat ā€“

1.       Beef preferably

F. Perasa / flavour enhancer

1.       Garam / Salt
2.       Gula / Sugar
3.       Aji-no-moto / monosodium glutamate (optional)


1.       Add a little oil into a wok.
2.       When oil gets hot, add Bahan Kisar and mix till it becomes aromatic.
3.       Add daging / meat. Stir.
4.       Add everything else stir.
5.       Add perasa / flavour enhancers.
6.       Stir till beef is cooked and reduce the gravy to preferred thickness.
28 October, 2018. Hazidi


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