So, Have You Petted a Dog Today?
have been observing the Dog Petting Campaign and the reactions to it.
Firstly, I'd like to applaud the effort because if you look at the
issue closely you will find that the Quran does allow the use of
hounds in hunting which of course means that the dog does have its
uses. If you look at Muslims closer, you will also find that the
aversion towards dogs is not as prominent among some sects as it is
among Malaysian Syafiees. Now having said that, I also applaud their
effort in teaching those who were there the concept and practice of
Sertu which is often mistakenly called Samak although if you look at
it closer you will find that it is not really a mistake because Sertu
is a small part of Samak which covers the act of cleaning things from
living animals. Dogs are indeed Allah's creation and for that they
need to be treated well although it also needs to be remembered that
treating dogs well is a virtue, treating dogs well does not
necessarily involve cuddling them.
that the familiarity with the dog campaign is over, I am wondering
when part two of that campaign will be held and this time it should
be for the non-Muslims because the rules pertaining to dogs does not
stop at just the dog. There are numerous things that are related to
the aspects that relate to the dogs about which non-Muslims are still
woefully ignorant. For one, I have only come across very few
non-Muslims who understand what Najis Mughalazah means. The dog,
some aspects of it anyway, belong to this category of najis and to
understand the Muslim relationship to the dog, you would also need to
understand the categories of najis. Now, they taught the act of
sertu, which is wonderful, did they however teach that the water that
is used need to be mutlak? Since it was done in the open, was the
water exposed and was it enough. A small amount of water if left out
in the open, especially on a hit day, may become Musyammas, mutahair
or mutanajis. I certainly how that the organizers made that clear to
those who were there.
thing to add in part two. Did they teach the attendees about the
contagion of najis mughalazah. If a person comes into contact with a
wet dog or the fluids of a dog, they need to perform the sertu. If
however, the fluids come into contact with other things, they would
also need to perform the sertu on those things. A hypothetical
situation: you go to the event and you pet a dog. The dog shows its
appreciation for your affection by licking your hand. A sweet
gesture. You leave the dog and you meet an old friend. You shake
hands, now that friend may need to perform the sertu too. He does not
realise this and goes off to the masjid to perform his Zuhr prayers.
His prayer is not considered void because he has not cleaned himself
properly. Certainly Allah does not punish us for things that we do
not know or realise but it does not mean that we can be complacent
about it.
position of the dog, the states of water, the rules on contagion can
differ a little in their interpretation by the sects but the
bottomlines are not. I have long been dissatisfied with many of my
fellow Muslims' reaction and attitude towards dogs. They are Allah's
creations just like us and they need to be treated as such. On the
other hand, we do live by certain and specific rules and those rules
need to be followed too. More importantly, as we ask Muslims to be
more open towards the things that non-Muslims find close to their
hearts, for example their pet dogs, we need also ask the non-Muslims
to be more knowledgeable and understanding of what Islam is. In my
observation and experience, while there are some non-Muslims who are
quite knowledgeable about Islam, the majority of them would not be
able to tell the difference between what is Halal and what is Haram.
For example, a place may be pork-free but is it halal? Possibly not.
That need to be understood.
the way, I like dogs. My uncle had a dog when I was a boy. I used to
spend quite some time with it/him. I remember feeling sad when he
grew old and we could no longer play together. Fond memories of so
long ago. However, I digress.
when is the get to know Islam campaign?