Only If You Believe
Recently, I heard Ustaz Don Daniyal mention his encounter with an anti-hadith follower: people who reject the hadith. His answer was a nice one. I, on the other hand, have also encountered them and have much less flattering words to say about them but that is for another time. They, the Hadith rejectors, are just one of the many people whom I have met down the years, who tried to convert me to their belief. I have come to notice that these are patterns to their behaviour.
Firstly, they are generally try to appear supremely confident in their belief but this is a facade.
Secondly, they will try to discredit any sources that you use to argue againt them but they never question the validity of theie sources.
Thirdly, they often try to denigrate or belittle (for want of a kinder word) those oppose them.
Fourth, they often fail to display the lofty virtues that they claim is offered by ther beliefs.
Fifth, they will try to decontextualize or recontextualize anything you use to support your arguments against them but becone hyper defensive when you question their own contextualization.
Sixth, they try to limit the information you get to only sanctioned sources. In other words, they reject any publication that does not agree with them.
To me, its a simpler issue: who was it that was chosen to bear the Quran to humankind again?