My Last Entry, According to the Mayan

According to the Mayan calendar, this is the last day of the planet Earth. At least according to some readings of the end of the Mayan calendar. Last entry, according to some people. More sane people would also say that the thing being measured does not end just because the measuring tape ended.
If interpretations of Mayan artifacts are to be believed, the Mayan had a penchant for sacrificially killing their people or anynody else they could get their hands on. I'm more enraptured by the idea they finally sacrificed their calendar maker or their tablet maker. Now remember that tablets back then meant actual stonr ones that had to be carved out of less than wafer shaped rocks. It is commonly believed that the Apple company had not even been founded at the time, so no ipads.
The bottomline: if the world ends, we die. There is no preparation except prayers because you cannot escape a destroyed planet. You may escape it if you have a craft that can take you to another livable planet but we don't. So, if it comes; we die.


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