In a matter of degrees

In the last few days, both the Opposition (tonight) and BN (a few night ago) have held talks nearby.  I guess its because there a few convenient places in this area.  Listening to them, I came to the conclusion that there really wasn't much difference between the speakers.  the core ideas behind their words are the same,

  1. "Vote for me and not for them!"
  2. "Voting for me will be good for us and for you".  They never mentioned that if they win they will be able to use their position to make themselves, their family members and their friends rich beyond their wildest dreams.
  3. "I am not corrupt, they are!"  What saddens me is that there are those who believe this.  Then again people have the right to believe what they want to believe.  Party membership is irrelevant in this matter.  Having family members on both side of the political fence, I have had the opportunity to observe and hear some of the things that go on among these curious beings we call politicians and one thing became very clear to me: it is only a matter of degrees. 
  4. "If I win I plan to do all these things for your good".  Of course, planning to do something and actually doing it are two different things.

HOWEVER, one simple fact made itself painfully clear on both of these occasions.  The party supporters and talk listeners from both sides are made up of inconsiderate and irresponsible drivers.  In their enthusiasm to listen to their favourite spit artists, they made it annoyingly difficult for my neighbours and I to go about our routine business.  I believe this points to one simple fact: It does not really matter who wins, they will both screw you and I when they are in power. It will only differ in a matter of degrees.

By the way, can someone tell me what Chandra Muzaffar is up to?


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