
I think the key phrase in that old science program was, "What will they think of next?"

I discovered the Windows live writer today.  All I can say is, "Wow!"

The rate of technological developmentis rapidly making me feel old.


PahNur said…
I was born at the time words like pussy and cock still refers to solely animals. Those days, if we want to make a secret phone call, we will have to quietly sneak out, on the pretext of going to the masjid, to the public phone, and if vandalism did not get to it first, then you can sit there and talk at the same time, donate blood to the mosquitos.

I never tot i could some day sit in a toilet and make calls via handphone while at the same time, answer nature's call, talk about multitaskings.

Technology via discoveries from research and developement have gone way beyond what you can imagine at times. Take surfing the net via WIFI on one's handphone. I mean, how cool is that. So here's to future discoveries and no more mosquito bites while having that secret conversation.
PahNur said…
p/s..oh..speaking of multitaskings,.and handphones have vibration mode as well... ;->

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